Daily Data

  1. Daily travel numbers from TSA
  2. Restaurants data by OpenTable
  3. Box office data by Box Office Mojo
  4. Requests for directions on Apple Map
  5. Retail energy price data on GlobalPetroPrices
  6. Real-time expectations data on Metaculus, PredictIt, and Kalshi
  7. Daily use of Crypto exchange apps for 95 countries over 2015–22 by BIS (It seems that the data is only available at monthly)
  8. Daily Treasury Statement on Treasury.gov, which paints a near-real-time picture of the federal government’s purse
  9. Daily jail roster data from Jail Data Initiative

Weekly Data

  1. Gasoline supplied by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
  2. Turnstile data by the New York MTA
  3. Weekly mortgage applications data by the Mortgage Bankers Association
  4. Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Data by the US Department of Labor