Daily Data
- Daily travel numbers from TSA
- Restaurants data by OpenTable
- Box office data by Box Office Mojo
- Requests for directions on Apple Map
- Retail energy price data on GlobalPetroPrices
- Real-time expectations data on Metaculus, PredictIt, and Kalshi
- Daily use of Crypto exchange apps for 95 countries over 2015–22 by BIS
(It seems that the data is only available at monthly)
- Daily Treasury Statement on Treasury.gov, which paints a near-real-time picture of the federal government’s purse
- Daily jail roster data from Jail Data Initiative
Weekly Data
- Gasoline supplied by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
- Turnstile data by the New York MTA
- Weekly mortgage applications data by the Mortgage Bankers Association
- Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Data by the US Department of Labor